
How To Set Up Uptime On Nightbot

How To Setup Nightbot on Twitch— Tutorial, Tips and Commands

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Nightbot is one of the nigh popular bots for Twitch Streamers, it's easy to use, easy to customise and in-depth enough to keep using it through your Twitch journeying.

I have been using Nightbot for over a year (and I've tested more than than 9 of them!), I've tried to press every unmarried button, use every feature and exam all the functionality. I've likewise turned off near of the default rules as they limited my chat and what I wanted from my community.

In this guide, I'll run through everything I've learnt using Nightbot for ii years. Including the best advice, biggest tips, and all the commands.

Let's show you everything you need to know.

How to ready Nightbot up on Twitch?

In order to go Nightbot running in your Twitch chat, firstly you lot need to log into Nightbot to get it into your chat

And so you will demand to moderate Nightbot. So, how practice you mod somebody on Twitch? You can do this by typing in:

/            mod <username>                  

That's it! Nightbot is now a moderator on your channel.

P.South. If y'all are looking for a guide to moderators… look no further than riiiighttt here:

Nightbot Commands

Here's a listing of every default Nightbot commands (in virtually order of near useful to least):

  • !commands — Allows users to encounter a list of channel commands, and allows moderators to manage custom commands
  • !title — Allows users to run across the current title of the stream, and allows moderators to change the current title
  • !game — Allows users to encounter the electric current game of the stream, and allows moderators to modify the current game
  • !poll — Allows moderators to create a Strawpoll within chat, and allows users to come across the results
  • !winner — Allows moderators to choose a random active user equally a winner.
  • !songs — Allows users to request songs, and allows moderators to manage the requested songs queue
  • !regulars — Allows moderators to manage the channel regulars list
  • !commercial — Runs a commercial/advertizement on your stream (if your channel is partnered)
  • !filters — Allows moderators to manage spam protection filter settings

While this is the default set up of commands that Nightbot starts with, there are plenty more than you can add yourself as custom commands.

How to create your own commands on Nightbot

Adding your ain commands is one of the best features of Nightbot, these can range from incredibly simple to heavily complicated.

So many… custom commands!

Consider the value each command has to your viewers — and whether they will notice it useful or engaging.

custom, commands, discord, nightbot, twitch, streamers, streaming
  • Command — this is the actual command you or the user can utilise within the Twitch conversation
  • Bulletin — this is the text that will appear in text conversation, sent from Nightbot itself
  • Userlevel — you can limit sure commands to moderators, subscribers, the owner or everyone
  • Cooldown — Rather than spamming somebody every 4 seconds, you tin set up a minimum time length until it tin can be used again
  • Alias — if you desire your command to trigger another command, this is where you add information technology. This volition replace your 'Message'.

How to create the Nightbot uptime control?

Although information technology looks complicated, you tin can copy and paste the following message into your custom command's 'message'.

          Stream uptime: $(twitch $(aqueduct) "{{uptimeLength}}")                  

Setting up Nightbot auto-letters & timed messages

Nightbot allows yous to create messages on a timer than will appear after a set amount of messages in Twitch chat or a set amount of time — you lot are able to completely customise this to your preference.

In my opinion, you desire these to exist as least spammy as possible, and y'all don't want it to look like the only person active in your conversation is Nightbot itself! I left a xv-infinitesimal time gap and 50 letters for my own auto-messages.

I used these to be pretty self-promotional and point to places like these guides, our Discord invite and our Twitter.

Example Nightbot timed message
Example Nightbot timed message

How to create a Nightbot poll?

Do you lot want to get your viewers to vote on your next game, your next character or what you are having for dinner? Nightbot allows you lot to add together an piece of cake vote in your Twitch conversation.

!            poll new                                            title                                              |                                            option i                                              |                                            selection 2                  

This will automatically create a strawpoll link where viewers can caput to and vote. To detect the results of your poll you will demand to type:

!poll results

How do you fix a giveaway in Nightbot?

It's extremely piece of cake to setup a giveaway or raffle within Nightbot. Firstly get to 'Giveaway' in the navigation, select who is eligible for the giveaway, then choose betwixt the three options of giveaways:

  • Active user — Give away picks betwixt all active users in chat (you tin can make information technology more likely the winner is a subscriber and set a winner timeout on the previous winners if yous are doing multiple giveaways)
  • Keyword — viewers must enter a set word to enter the giveaway(you tin can set up it so information technology automatically removes people who spam the keyword from the giveaway)
  • Random number — For giveaways where you get people to approximate a number, Nightbot volition choose a random number to make information technology as off-white equally possible!

PS you lot probably want to make everyone eligible, not simply your subscribers… maybe you lot take a dedicated lurker who wishes they could be a subscriber, they just don't have the money to support you.

Can you fix up song requests and playlists through Nightbot?

Yes! Using Nightbot AutoDJ, viewers tin enter a URL from YouTube or SoundCloud to be added to the song queue/playlist.

!songs asking [YouTube          or SoundCloud Link]        

You (or viewers) can view the vocal queue past typing in the following command:

!songs listing

Viewers will be able to see the current playlist past typing in:

!songs playlist

For more than information on controlling Nightbot AutoDJ, click hither.

Simply please be careful with using this, as in that location are serious copyright consequences if you use copyrighted music that you practise not have permission to utilize. For more than information read our guide to playing music on Twitch.

What are some other cool Nightbot commands?

  • Countdown — A simple way to go a inaugural to a community event, a game release date or simply an effect such as a birthday or stream anniversary
  • Weather — yes, you can get Nightbot to tell you what the weather condition is like outside
  • Time — a helpful converter if you are wondering what the time is on the other-side of the world

Nightbot is the almost ultimate Twitch bot, and yep, you can use information technology on YouTube Gaming too!

Hopefully, that'due south everything covered! If you have any more questions, let u.s. know on ourDiscordorTwitter.

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We are a gaming and streaming education website. We are dedicated to telling the stories of how your favourite gamers and broadcasters got to where they are and providing guides to help you start your streaming journey.

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How To Set Up Uptime On Nightbot,


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