
PS5 DualSense controller appears in new photo — here's your best look yet

PS5 DualSense controller appears in new photo — here's your best wait yet

(Image credit: Sony)

Another photo of the PS5 DualSense controller out in the wild has popped up on Twitter, courtesy of a Twitter account going past the name of Gamezawy.

And the images gives u.s. the best await of the next-generation PlayStation controller in a person'south hand. Last week a photograph of the controller in a person's hand was posted in a gaming forum, but it was taken at a tricky angle, so information technology was difficult to tell the size of the controller.

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This new photograph was shot from a bird's heart view and shows us that the DualSense controller may exist more than compact than it starting time appeared to be, provided the motion picture is existent. While it doesn't look as meaty every bit previous DualShock controllers from the older PlayStation consoles, information technology also doesn't look much larger than the current Xbox Wireless Controller y'all go with the Xbox 1 and Xbox One X.

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In fact, the DualSense controller looks very much similar a cross between the PS4'southward DualShock four controller and the Xbox Wireless Controller. It retains the button and joystick placement of the former only has the thicker and more angular shape of the latter.

The touch on-sensitive panel plant in the DualShock four controller as well looks a little taller yet narrower on the DualSense controller. Sony has said the controller will take a "Create" button, which seems to exist an evolution of the Share button on the DualShock 4, and could brand heavier use of the touch-sensitive panel that wasn't used a great deal in the PS4.

In this new photo, the DualSense controller looks rather corking. The arguably gaudy two-tone colour scheme seems rather more pared downward compared to Sony'southward official shots. The controller's bluish lighting strips aren't illuminated in the photo, so nosotros can't tell if they will be a subtle addition to the controller or a potentially jarring distraction when gaming in darkened rooms.

All in all, the controller looks like an interesting development over the DualShock controllers. And with improved haptic feedback, the DualSense could exist another way for Sony to go players more than immersed with next-generation games, alongside 3D sound, ray-tracing, and super fast loading times. We'll detect out in Nov when the PS5 is expected to launch in time for the vacation season.

Roland Moore-Colyer is U.K. Editor at Tom's Guide with a focus on news, features and opinion articles. He often writes most gaming, phones, laptops and other $.25 of hardware; he'south likewise got an interest in cars. When non at his desk Roland can exist found wandering around London, often with a look of curiosity on his face.


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